Period. Whisper Cottony Clean & Whisper Ultra

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Self explanatory statement for everyone.
Ops, I didn't mean to tell everyone that I am having my period. But that's it. Period. Full stop.

Period forever partner is none other than PAD.
Don't get it confuse with you iPAD ya. I am referring to PAD, for ladies. Ehem Ehem.
Men are also allowed to read, it will be very useful for you (especially if you are thinking to get married-trust me). You should also get ABC on PERIOD.

You (I mean for ladies), can now choose the right Whisper for you:
Between Whisper Cottony Cleanor Whisper Ultra

All right, don't be surprise on the visual that you are about to see when you scroll down


Really, (believe me, I have good intention). Urgh, I can't believe I'd have this visual on my blog, but seriously? You will see and I will give you a better picture of it.

Be ready to see what you are going to see.

How does it works?

Yes, the Whisper Cottony Clean& Whisper Ultra.

Whisper Cottony Clean
  • It gives you best cottony experience for super clean whisper protection
  • Blue Lock Core- it locks in fluid for cleaner protection. It also absorbs even large amount of menses and locks it away from the surface. Don't worry, it's also scented to keep you feeling fresh.
  • Circles of Protection- Shape of the pad designed with circles of protection for all-sides leakage protection
  • Soft Cottony Cover- gentle to your skin

Whisper Ultra
  • Dri Weave- absorbs fluid and helps prevent it from going back to the surface to keep the pad clean & dry
  • Duo-Protect System-it's an advanced system that absorbs more in the middle and protects at the sides so you feel clean & dry

I've tried both and all I can say is you should give it a try.
Be it Cottony Clean or Ultra :)

I believe it's a nightmare to some whenever Period comes, the period pain is so hard to explain.

Did you know that Yoga helps in menstruation?
Now, Whisper brings you Yoga class in lessen your menstruation pain.
It worked for me! I did my Yoga on last weekend, together with my bloggers friend.

mYogain Plaza Damas.

I recommend you to experience your Yoga class here.
The facilities – spacious reception area, lounge for guests, 2 huge studios for yoga and ladies locker room.

Getting ready for my yoga class!
My 1
styoga class indeed :)

The essentials

Our best pose for the class :) Really, stretch stretch. 

The rituals that we never miss.
Group photo!

P/S: you may still do Yoga even if you're pregnant. There will be certain posture/position especially for mommies :) No worries!

Whisper was kind enough to sponsor us the Yoga class and also... tada... stock up for my next PERIOD. Thank you Whisper!

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