Suck Me!

Runny nose- it happens. Aww, poor little baby. 

Picture taken from Google

You wouldn't want to see you little ones down with runny nose.
I'd make sure her nose is clear from mucus else it may cause discomfort & difficulties to sleep. In my experience, runny-nose is the first sign of my little ones getting fever
(I'd prevent it asap)

The common baby nose cleaner
Personally, in my opinion, I don't find this useful as you can't see what you suck from your baby's nose & you can't control the suction.

I used this instead for my baby, it's clear and you can control the suction on your own, you can tell whether it is the clear mucus that may thicken and turn gray or yellow or green (yucks, but this is parenthood all about)

I hope this tips sharing is useful for parents out there. You don't want to end up buying the nose cleaner (pump) which is not useful at all.

and yes, I used it with this as well. The nasal spray to clean baby' s nose.
I got this from the clinic (some private clinic/hospital may have this) otherwise the pharmacy (I couldn't find it in Guardian & Watsons).

peace! :)

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